20+ Years Experience

Specialist Playground Resurfacing

Top 10 Fun Activities Schools Can Incorporate Into The Playground

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1. Invest in a Bubble-Blowing Machine

Adding an interactive bubble machine to the playground will excite children of all ages!

2. Install Inflatable Sculptures

A spot of inflation can create a visual wonderland for little ones and give them hours of imaginative outdoor play.

3. Introduce Nature Trails

Incorporating nature trails into the school grounds provides educational activities, such as bug hunting, that are fun for young learners to get involved in.

4. Construct an Outdoor Maze

Kids will have hours of fun exploring intricate pathways around the playground with friends and classmates.

5. Set Up DIY Obstacle Courses With Recycled Materials

Reusing waste materials to construct obstacle courses encourages children to be creative, develops problem-solving skills and boosts hand-eye coordination too!

6. Add Sandpits For Creative Play

Give students endless imagination – use sand pits or boxes filled with quality sand so they can sculpt sculptures and build castles on their own or with other kids on the playground!

7. Open Up A Storytelling Stage Area

Let imaginations run wild by setting up a storytelling stage where children can express themselves creatively while inspiring one another’s stories – perfect for fostering collaboration between students of different ages, too!

8. Plant An Edible Garden

Set up planters in designated areas around the school that students can look after collectively – get them digging through mud and growing vegetables whilst developing healthy habits simultaneously!

9. Provide Lego Bricks Everywhere

Create a friendly environment by making LEGO bricks available throughout the playground area – these colourful blocks inspire creativity and develop essential motor skills among younger generations.

10. Install Musical Instruments Throughout The School Grounds

Inspire outbursts of joy amongst pupils by installing musical instruments such as drums, triangles and flutes around designated sections in your school’s grounds – nothing like music to bring people together even outside classroom walls!

Extend Playgrounds Life and Accessibility with Professional Playground Resurfacing

At Playground Resurfacing, we understand the importance of keeping playgrounds safe, enjoyable and accessible for all ages. That is why our company offers a professional playground resurfacing service, providing smooth surfaces underfoot with added safety features such as impact-absorbing materials to help reduce potential injuries.

In addition, using layers of rubber flooring makes it easier for wheelchair users, those in wheelchairs or walkers. We also offer customised solutions that cater to each school’s individual requirements – from cage ball to four square – to extend your playground’s usable life!

All these measures combined make having a safe playground accessible for children, teachers, and visitors who are often present on-site throughout the day.

Furthermore, this extra step towards creating an overall safer environment can be taken without compromising on design – due to our array of specialist materials, you can get creative whilst still providing sturdy surfaces which withstand wear and tear over time.

Let us take care of the hard work so you can focus on creating unforgettable experiences in your school’s playspaces! Talk to us today for a free consultation; on how you can refresh the look of your playing field!

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